Monday, June 21, 2004

rElaX oNi sEH..!!!

Today's a great day! U'll never believe what i did at my cousin's house...Haha..we actually tried piecing some 500 piece Sailormoon jig saw puzzle..then we played UNO..the disney princess collection..super chio..and fun!...Then my cousins and I tried recording some piano pieces into my phone which took us almost 45 mins just to get done with 2 recordings...Then we played FF8 disc 4...*SQUALL*!!..and watch the finale of the game of course...!

Cousin intro-ed us to many new trailers of this new game called..erh L something 2..hehe forgotten...Anw it was utterly cool..quite abit like the LOTR story...not bad..but somehow quite unoriginal la..the animation was quite good..fighting scenes not too bad too!

And of course!We acted as according to our plan..: Watching Pirates and eating our chocolates!..But not the wine ...Haha all because my cousins realised they don't have an opener to the red that was the joke o the day man...

Never do anything today...hope tmr will be a productive day!..GAMBATTE!

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