Thursday, July 27, 2006


og outing with an attendance that turned out rojak! nope, not impurities, but rather they enhanced the flavour of the group..yum!

yesterday was a hell lot of first-times.

1) first club-outing with ms wong and ms chee!!(woo like finally)

2) bin the newbie and her first clubbing experience...WEET!

3) bin moved! yes, she actually danced! CHYO!

4) first time witnessed ne's dirty dancing. omg..HAWT.

5) my first mambo & ladies' night!

6) first time witnessed da overwhelming sweetness exuding from the zhi-ling couple. AWWW

7) first time saw qi drank so lil. haha!

8) first time...eeh..haha shall not try to insist on stretching the list.

here are the photos:
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

us having a nice quiet dinner at MS. food's yummi-de-licious
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

she looks too pretty in this pic. so gotta post. haha! picture's bidding price starts at $50!
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

gawd. can u see the gloss on our face. ok rather my face.
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
inside zouk! who agrees with me that cedric's pal looks like jap girl??

oh well. that's about it. wasted, should have taken more pics cuz there were more ppl who came actually! hooho. nx time i shall wear big-pocket pants to contain my cam.

anyone who wants photos just nudge me k.

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