Saturday, January 14, 2006

misery O misery!

lately i heard too many stories.

humans are such weird creatures. one moment they feel elated, and in the very next moment, they morph into an all melancholy-depressed-crestfallen being. sometimes humans have to carry on their backs so many kinds of emotional weights it makes them rather schizophrenic, like they're a combination of the so many different types of personalities that it becomes disillusioning. minds become overpowered by erratic echoes of running thoughts and burning questions. questions that question who you are. questions that question the emptiness in your mind, heart. questions that question what you're wanting and yearning for.

i guess all these boils down to the word we all are afraid of: loneliness.

when you feel like you're being left out or forgotten, you suddenly feel loneliness. then you feel dejected and get depressed. and that's how the whole vicious cycle kicks off.

when you're reminiscing the old and long gone happy days, loneliness sets in and so does the vicious cycle.

when you feel like you have nothing else to say to this familiar stranger who seemed all familiar and yet so unfamiliar, and the effort to strike up a conversation merely ended flatly like it wasn't worth anything, you feel distant and loneliness surge in and there goes the vicious cycle again.

when you thought that someone might have understood you, but you were wrong, you feel small in your own planet and loneliness creeps in again.

see, it's really so tiring to be humans sometimes.
complex minds. complex lives.
seems like an inevitable fact
everyone's a victim of of their own minds.

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