Tuesday, December 06, 2005

hear me rant

mum's getting moody and sensitive these days. she's been screaming at us since yesterday about the usual stuff: our untidy room (i do not see how messy it is), the overflowing bin, sleeping late and waking late, doing nothing but watching tv, playing computer games, msn-ing and going out. she also said she'd rather have us at school than having holidays...i felt like she's over reacting abit but after i tried putting myself in her shoes, i think i could understand a little why she's so pissed off. well things do happen for a reason and the same logic applies to my mum scolding us for some reasons. but come to think of it, i think the last time she screamed so much was during my younger days. maybe it is precisely because it was quite a long while since she started her screamings again i felt she was over reacting a little. argh. i duno. i just feel abit lousy for being so nua and lackadaisical after the examinations and a little guilty for making my mum pissed and yet feeling irritated and frustrated at the same time. sounds like i'm a not very good daughter here. sigh. maybe i should pack my room tomorrow. i hate packing room. it makes my eyes red and swollen because they're highly sensitive to dust. maybe i should wake up earlier tomorrow which sounds so very impossible because i am such a lazy girl. maybe i should go out less often so i won't be labelled as gallivanting. then again i do not see the point of cooping up at home and idontwanttobesonolife. maybe i should be go get a job so i don't look so diao er lang dang. maybe i should stop msning till wee hours so that i can stop being uneasy about whether she'll be conducting another check on me. maybe, maybe, maybe. sometimes i think if i were a guy, it gives me the excuse of not packing my room, to go out everyday till wee hours, to oversleep, to play computer games forever until the end of the world arrives. sigh. the benefits of an XY choromone being. eh..sounds weird aiya but u all know what i mean la. i realised this entry has no paragraphing again. try squinting ba ppl, i'm too lazy to chop it into paragraphs. k i'm off.

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