Friday, November 04, 2005


blog hopping is fun especially when you get to read really hilarious stuff and interesting happenings or accounts of people (be it friends or strangers). well, i guess for me it's also a form of envy, admiration for some people. don't get me wrong, i don't mean the lovey dovey kind of envy or secret admiration, but rather, i'm refering about being in a state where you can actually be awed at the things that people do, how they live their lives, their way of expressing thoughts, their language usage (whether fluent or not). Sometimes while reading blogs, you may feel as though you were the blogger herself/himself; you both share the same feelings, sentiments, perpectives, perhaps because you were also experiencing the same kind of problems, or probably because you have been through or experienced something similar once during a point in your life. On other occassions, you can suddenly feel inspired or enlightened by words of others, which may or may not stir up strong feelings that cause you to make bolder decisions in life or make you to decide that you want to be like that person. It is difficult to give an example here, but you should know what i mean, when you come across one that can unknowingly create in you an uncontrollable surge of emotions i guess? Besides, if i did give an example, i would have unwittedly blurted out whose blog i was talking about- if it were someone who knew me, who reads my blog and who very well knows that i do read her/his blog, it might make her/his head swell or worse, she/he may view me differently, as though (...)- too many reasons! And if it were a stranger i was talking about, and the stranger happens to pop by my blog by chance or even frequent my blog without my knowing, depending on the situation, upon reading this entry she/he may might be unhappy/happy, because i have intruded into their privacy. eh well that is if it mattered to them at all la. okay, i think i see many lost lambs already. i am also beginning to wonder what crap am i spewing now. haha.maybe i should just stop now, though i still have alot to say. shan't continue to further confuse people and confuse myself. well i should just end by saying, blogs speak quite alot about someone( this is arguable in NM1101E though) and through it, we may gain many worthy insights , find our inner and deepest thoughts and even courage.

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