Saturday, June 11, 2005


Hmm just finished blog hopping...and starting to feel that my life sounds pretty boring...

Haven't really gotten anything for myself ever since the Great Singapore Sale started...
Haven't been going out for weeks...
Haven't got any plans about what i want to do in the weekends...

Life seems to revolve about eating and sleeping...and working...

Gotto do something about it!

...Anyway...I'm all WELL again...sore lip finally subsided like after a week or so...Unfortunately my sister has been hospitalised for some lung disease.. attacked by some microplasma thingy...But she's feeling better now...And she's also feeling bored to death in the hospital...Haha...feeling more consoled now that someone is worse off than me...*evil*

Anyway that's about it...
Till more updates about my interesting life...

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