Saturday, August 12, 2006

post N-day entry!

this year's national day was spent with wongie. we headed down to cheenapiang town for some adventure shopping spree, but because we belong to the fickleminded breed, we abandoned our plan A after awhile and decided to chill around, and indulge in the joy of EATING instead.

Oya and before all that eating action came along, we stumbled upon this ulu but cosy lil' hairsalon with interesting interior deco. and so we entered, cuz i needed a haircut desperately!
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doesn't the interior look like a myraid of colourful frames?

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me in the waiting line before da hair trim.(40mins can!) behind's the lady doing pedicure.

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wongie and her full blown narcissism!

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wongie looks happy to be at C-jade! ( she loves C-jade to bits!)

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tada! the finished-look! ok, did i mention that i just going to cut my fringe?

After da dinner, we strolled around town and continued







Photo-whoring in da toilet!

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And cuz we're craving big time for some desert, we decided more kungfu action at NYDC!
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it's da tiramisu mudpie lacking miserably of da liquor taste!

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Oya, since it was national day, we were supposed to watch the fireworks display. haha, but we missed it..but i guess this pretty & mysterious torch from our NYDC view can make up for all the loss!

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