Friday, May 26, 2006


i just wenta relive some memories by reading testimonials left in ma' friendster. it's weird, people just have so many kind things to write about you, some you prolly don't even know of yourself. and in that process, we all become happy people upon that (aided) self discovery phenomenon.'s nice and everything, but a part of it just feels odd, and wrong. it's like when A comments i am almost makes me want to think aloud and remark 'oh really?', or 'are you sure?'. weird, that is. oh, but of course, by stating the above, i do not mean that i'd not like to recieve nice testimonials (ha' ok i know i'm sounding like i'm hard to please). this thought just struck me so i decided to blogit. it's as simple as that.

oya, and it's been a long time since i blogged in paragraphs..

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