Tuesday, February 28, 2006

where i seek solace in.

i have totally exhausted wadeva energy dats left in me...uploading pics in blogger is really such a CHORE!
and it isn't very helpful when some kuku-headed neighbour of mine ( mind you, across ma block) is blasting away techno/trans (whichever it is, both starts with a 't' and both are just as sucky!) music like electricity is free! is there is direct relationship, anyway?

It can be so tiring to get together a group of strangers to work on a project. Different expectations, time-schedules, and miscommunications. aiyo. only two words. mafan-ar!

EL test is coming. i'm studying it like a crazy pig. cuz it doesnt make any cow sense to me. And if i still fail, i think i can just go and die.

buuooff. feel better now. blog is one good avenue to complain.

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